STELEC brings together a highly interdisciplinary consortium from across Europe, including:
- The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) - the Embedded Intelligence research group
- The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) - The Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL)
- University of Borås (HB) – The Textile Materials Technology group
- Imperial College London (ICL) - The Dyson School of Design Engineering
- Next Technology Tecnotessile (NTT)
- University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) - The Research Chair of Microelectronic System Design (EMS)
- Tech2Market (T2M)
- Berlin University of the Arts (UDK) - Wearable Computing lab
- University of Southampton (UOS) - School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS)
The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) - the Embedded Intelligence research group
The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is one of the world’s largest AI technology transfer research centres. The participating team Embedded Intelligence group has extended research experience in human-centric wearable and pervasive computing, human activity recognition, biomedical engineering, and machine learning. DFKI is the coordinator of the project to ensure the smooth execution of the interdisciplinary research. The ethics team from DFKI will guide the project activities to follow the relevant EU ethics standards. DFKI also contributes to the research activity by developing next generation neural network circuits composed of the novel textile materials developed from the project.

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) - The Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL)
The Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) is an integral component of the Institute of Electrical and Micro Engineering at EPFL. Its primary emphasis lies in delineating systematic, multi-objective design techniques, optimization methodologies, and hardware and software tools tailored to the development of high-performance embedded systems and nano-scale Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) architectures. These endeavours are specifically oriented towards addressing the requirements of a more sustainable Internet-of-Things (IoT) and edge-to-cloud sustainable Era.

University of Borås (HB) – The Textile Materials Technology group
Textiles and fashion are one of the six research and education environments at the University of Borås (HB). HB plays a leading role in the development and application of textiles and fashion in research, industry, and society at large in Sweden. Design, technology, and management of textiles are the three major fields under the research and education environment. The research group Textile Materials Technology (TMT-group) at HB is STELEC’s key research partner for resource effective processes for functional and e-textiles (like wearable textile sensors, multilayer conductive textiles, dynamic patterns - coating of textiles, surface treatments, quality assessment of (smart) textiles, supercritical CO2 dyeing, UV-sensing as well as anti-bacterial textiles) as well as development of chemical formulations for functional and e-textiles.
Imperial College London (ICL) - The Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London (ICL) is a world-leading research university which is ranked as the top UK institution in engineering research. The Dyson School of Design Engineering is a transdisciplinary department focused on creating real world impact through the co-design of technologies and behaviours - bridging the gap between traditional engineering and design to create innovative solutions to modern challenges. It brings together world-class academics from a range of disciplines to provide expertise across the whole cycle of design to realisation. The research team includes the e-Body Lab who focus on body-centric technologies and interfaces utilising e-textiles, and the Design Futures lab, which contains expertise in product development and manufacturing, having brought several products to market and worked extensively with companies to support them in embedding sustainability into their activities and strategies. We also benefit from wider links across Imperial’s many world-leading activities, including drawing on the expertise and network of the Grantham Institute for Climate and the Environment.
Next Technology Tecnotessile (NTT)
Next Technology Tecnotessile (NTT) is a private non-profit research company representing a reference point for research and technological innovation in the textile sector in Italy. It provides services on prototyping and product innovation regarding smart and intelligent textiles and their innovative function.

University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) - The Research Chair of Microelectronic System Design (EMS)
The Research Chair of Microelectronic System Design (EMS) from the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) has been working for many years on the efficient hardware implementation for advanced signal processing algorithms and embedded systems with emphasis on microelectronic architectures for mobile communication, environmental monitoring, low power techniques, advanced System-on-Chip (SoC) and processing-in-memory architectures, circuit and memory modelling, DRAM controller, reliability, IoT, postquantum cryptography, hardware accelerators for machine learning and smart learning environments. In the context of this project, the group’s expertise in analogue design, transistor and circuit modelling, conventional and unconventional design methodology and circuit reliability is of special importance.
Tech2Market (T2M)
Tech2Market Poland is a strategic consulting company specializing in technological innovations. For over nine years, we have been successfully supporting our clients at all stages of their work - from early research to innovation marketing. We are a key player in projects, providing support and expertise in marketing research, corporate strategy and technology transfer and financing. Our team has extensive experience in evaluating markets, understanding the needs of potential technology users and building a business model based on the conducted analyses. Our company is also able to carry out activities in the field of communication about innovations and communication design (e.g. website, data server, promotional materials).

Berlin University of the Arts (UDK) - Wearable Computing lab
The Wearable Computing lab is a newly established research group in the College of Architecture, Media and Design at Berlin University of the Arts and Einstein Center Digital Future. The group designs and examines wearable technology, with a focus on electronic textiles as material practice and to create meaningful narratives for wearing soft technologies. With access to a fully equipped e-textile prototyping lab (Berlin Open Lab) and a wide network across the e-textiles design research community, we bridge the gap between textile design, engineering and industry. The group will lead WP5, contributing to STELEC with expertise in e-textile prototyping and sustainable production with an interdisciplinary technical design research approach.

University of Southampton (UOS) - School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS)
The University of Southampton (UOS) is a leading research-based university in the UK with the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) being ranked #1 in the UK for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Guardian UK university ranking 2023). The research team within ECS has been developing smart fabrics and e-textiles since 2007 and founded Smart Fabric Inks Ltd which markets textile-compatible functional inks. The team has published over 200 peer reviewed journal and conference articles on e-textiles materials, devices and manufacturing methods and the team are currently exploring the use of sustainable materials across a spectrum of applications. UOS will lead WP 3 Electronic device elements and will contribute to WPs 2 and 4.